New Series: Vish Reviews People
For those that were at the Hecklers last week, you were privy to a special announcement that HKELD is expanding its coverage over the next few months to write blogs on more than theatre and dance. You guys have been asking for this and we're answering with a resounding, YES! We're now open to covering anything in the blog on Hong Kong's art scene. And we're gonna need your help to do it. (So if you wanna write for us or share your opinions on anything in Hong Kong's music or visual art scene, please contact us!)
One of you already conacted us with a unique idea that intrigued us, to say the least... HKELD is proud to present a new series by local poet, writer and personality, Vishal Nanda. We first met Vish at Peel Street Poets a few months back and were struck by his passion for writing and quirky sense of humor. He simply came to us and says... "I wanna review people... Like art." So that's what we're gonna let him do.
Here's the rating system for Vish's new series: Vish Reviews People.
If you would like to have you and your artistic endeavors featured, contact us!
The Rating System:
It is quite impossible to quantify a person. We are all miracles of evolution, the stuff of stardust made manifest- the universe trying to know itself. But of course I will rate them. It should be noted that these ratings are entirely objective, like if a God peered into your soul and took notes.- Vish
1 star: Someone that you would love to read about, but you would fear for your life and/or sanity were you to meet them. Eg. Adolt Hitler / Bill O'Reilly. If they assaulted me or otherwise defamed by person I may be pettily inclined to give them this rating. Also given if a one star rating is requested by the subject due to a philosophical stance on our species in general.
2 stars: Overhearing-a-conversation-worthy, possibly a few drinks in a bar when your friends don't show up. Potentially hazardous to your life in non-extreme circumstances. On the flip side usually the sort of person you like to talk about meeting to your friends.
3 stars: Good eating! Even if on the surface something disturbs, worth digging for the weird. Only as homicidal as the next person. Good friend material, excellent mating opportunities. Potential to save the planet if carefully nurtured.
4 stars: All it takes is one taste, and you're addicted! The homicidal nature is capped. Has an additional quality that is hard to pinpoint but makes you want them to whisper into your ears, or go SCUBA diving with you for the first time. Would read their biography even if it's ghost written.
5 stars: A must have, worth flying to another country just to see! Would read their autobiography, and stand in line for it, and if they signed it would squeal. Potential ambassador to sentient alien race, but the first to be mourned if race is hostile.
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