Nominees- Best Local Band


Hong Kong's music scene has always been a diverse group of characters. In the past few years, we've seen a big boom in appreciation for local talent and indie bands. These are your favorites, voted on by the readers of HKELD during the past month. Take a listen to their music and choose your fave!

Mass disclaimer: all the photos in these nominee articles are the property of the artists who created these shows and the photographers who took them. We're writing these articles to help inform the public so they can make their decisions on the Heckler ballot. Voting will close September 12th.

Access your ballot to vote, here.


Indigo Town

A newer band on the scene but still very loved by its fan base; Indigo Town is an Acoustic/Funk cover band with lots of soul.


Bamboo Star

Bamboo Star is one of Hong Kong's outstanding hardcore rock bands. They're known for their unique sound and hard hitting beats. They never shy away from turning an amp up to eleven.

The Anello

The Anello is a music collaboration in Hong Kong at the intersection of indie, electronic and hip hop. They toured America/Canada in the past year and they were last year's winner of Best Local Band.


Western District

Western District is a vibrant chamber music collective dedicated to turning the traditional classical music experience upside down! They take songs like pop and funk and turn them classical, so you just feel fancy listening to them. In the past year they produced their first stage musical. 

Kestrels and Kites

Tiff, Luke Owen and Jon come from different bands in Hong Kong and together they formed Kestrels and Kites. A pop/indie outfit, with life-rejoicing songs and off-kilter gigs. An indie/pop/ power assemblage with hug-inducing songs and batty performances.
