Nominees-Best Original Work


All of the shows nominated in this category are nominated for creating brand new shows from the ground up. Making a world premiere is no easy task and new work should be celebrated. They're a little bit harder to sell, they're a little bit harder to rehearse but it's very rewarding to know you're the first one to do this production. Congrats to all artists involved with these productions; we know they must have been a challenge!

Mass disclaimer: all the photos in these nominee articles are the property of the artists who created these shows and the photographers who took them. We're writing these articles to help inform the public so they can make their decisions on the Heckler ballot.

You can see all the nominees here. You can sign up for your ballot here. And you can sign up for the newsletter here. Newsletter subscribers will be the first ones to receive invites to the party after the nominees!

*When Rick Met Marsha, Created by: Rick Lau and Marsha Yuan.

An original cabaret by two local artists, Rick Lau and Marsha Yuan that included audience members getting fresh baked treats each night. Yummo!
Read the Review.

*The City That Never Sleeps, Produced by: Perilous Mouths.

An original play created by Fiona Mackington and Victoria Allington. It talks about the city of Hong Kong and what happens between the witching hours of midnight and 4am.
Read the Review.

*Duetto, Written by: Peter Gordon. Produced by: Aurora Theatre.

Two one-act plays based on Italian operas set in Hong Kong show that opera is relavent in our modern society.
Read the Review.

*#HKproblems_theplay, Written by: Eric Krueger and Meaghan McGurgan.

Local playwrights talk about all the problems of Hong Kong in a social media interactive theatre piece.
Read the Review.

*Walls 44, Choreographer: On Yong Lock. Produced by: Unlock Dancing Plaza.

A world premiere show that 3 different parts and required audiences to attend 3 different performances at 3 different theatres to get the whole picture.



  • brad jacobs
    28 August 2013

    I didn't see all of these but the ones I saw were great. So true. New work should be celebrated. People are too quick to slam the new.

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