Occupy Central Clearance Has Begun


Last night various art organizations worked hard to preserve and archive the art at Occupy Central and Occupy Causeway Bay. This morning we woke to post-it less walls and glitter bombed streets. We heard boys and girls shouting "We will be back!" with joy in their voices. They are not considering this a failure. It's a strategic retreat. 


Lennon Wall Before


 They shot paper airplanes with future wishes for Hong Kong into the sky. Causeway Bay is full of balloons: 87 helium filled baubles for the 87 cannisters of tear gas shot at the protestors just a few short weeks ago.

What will happen to Hong Kong now that she's had this cultural revolution?

Will large scale street art and protest art become the new norm?

Lennon Wall After


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Second image provided by: @RichScotford


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