Ode to the McAulay


I attended Champagne and Cigarettes last night because I'm close friends with many of the cast and crew members. Despite my burning love for my friends, I and many audience members positively froze to death in the tundra that is the McAulay. In honor of the frigid theatre that I can only compare to the 9th circle of hell I have written a poem. One, because it is late at night and I feel inspiration has taken hold of me in a whimsical nature. Two, because I can remember several fellow artists who have complained about this issue in the past. Three, because I want to. Rather than whine about it I'll turn my complaint into art. (No one said all art had to be good.) Please read it in the sarcasm in which it was written!

Ode to the McAulay

Dear McAulay theatre, why are you so cold?
I'm still positively freezing even though 80% of the house is sold!
I should have brought my sweater but I was running out the door
OH MY GOD, is that my friend who is currently dressed up as a whore?!
To get warm maybe I can snuggle closer to this random stranger dude...
Nevermind, he'll get the wrong idea and then think I'm being rude...
Surely they can raise the temp. It has to be costing them so much to cool the place.
Usher says the temp is set. I swear emotion never comes across her face.
Welcome to Blizzard Dome. Let us entertain you, we are here to please.
Make sure to wear your winter boots because your feet will surely freeze.
Don't get me wrong the shows are great, despite the chill.
You can at least get to see some free actors' nerts, which is always a thrill.


Seriously HKAC.

Lighten up the Aircon!

Related articles:

theatre, blog, hongkong


  • anon
    20 September 2012

    So funny. So true! please turn it off! We all have ice dropping off our noses...
  • Jenn
    25 September 2012

    I like your shorter and quirkier pieces better. They start my day off with a bang. Short and sweet is good.
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