Our new and improved calendar has arrived!


You asked and we listened!


Starting from March 1st, we have opened our calendar to music and visual art events happening in Hong Kong! We've been pleased to become a staple in the theatre and dance community over the past three years and hope to provide the music and art worlds with the same kind of support we've provided the theatrical artists. Several people have been in contact with us to get their events on our calendar "just in case" we started listed music and art and we saved their info. If you would like to have your event on our site, please contact us, using our listing policy.*


Some things like author and show genre would be null in the music/visual art categories.

But feel free to email us with any questions!


We will post your event with basic information on our calendar FOR FREE.

To notify us of your show, please send an email to editor@hkeld.com:

  1. Show Name, Company Name, Author Name, Show Genre

  2. Venue Name and Location

  3. Times, Dates, Ticket Prices (and any discounts)

  4. Blurb on the show (maximum 50 words)

  5. Any warnings to audience members, age restrictions

  6. Contact person (name, mobile, email) for follow-up questions.

We will post your listing as far in advance as you like – the earlier you put it out there, the greater your potential audience share.

We will aim to post your listing within two working days of receipt unless anything needs clarifying.

Certain parts of the HKELD calendar are drop down menus rather than free text. This limits some of the information such as ticketing, age restriction and genre.

For paid options on how to boost your show’s profile please contact us at editor@hkeld.com

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hongkong, hkeld, policy


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