People You Meet in a Play
Collaboration is the best part of being involved in the theatre. It's why a lot of us do it in the first place. But sometimes you come across team members that leave a little to be desired. You should be aware of their presence and know how to diffuse them. Had any great backstage antics? We want to hear about them! Leave all your best war stories in the comment section...
The Diva
Thinks the show/the scene is always about them. Can be male or female.
The Slacker
Always late to rehearsals. Always has to leave early. Doesn't learn their lines on time.
The Note-Giver
Gives notes to everyone despite it not being in their job description:
The Director. The Lighting Designer. The plants in the lobby.
The Party Animal
This cast member is actually super fun but a bit of handful. They enjoy the post show drinking and the cast party more than the actual performing part.
Every cast needs one.
The Whatever
Different than a slacker. This person cannot take a note about their performance and answers everything with "Whatever".
Remember great performances are all about:
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