Preview- A Christmas Carol- Sweet & Sour Productions Limited
It's that time of the year again! Let's embrace the spirit of the festive period and appreciate time with our family and friends. Sweet & Sour Productions Ltd. remains faithful to tradition and brings us A Christmas Carol.
Premiered last year at the Fringe Club, the show was very popular with audiences and was a lot of fun for the whole creative team. The Fringe Club staff also enjoyed it very much and encouraged the re-run. The cast of professional actors play multiple roles and have a wide range of characterisations at their fingertips. Thanks to designer Ian Pratley the set is very flexible and it changes into various locations throughout the show. Changes from Jacob Marley’s bedroom to Scrooge’s Counting House to Bob Cratchit’s house will happen in the blink of an eye!
Director Candice Gourlay Moore made sure to capture the warm magical feel of the Charles Dickens novella and look at the journey of awakening and redemption that Scrooge undertakes. "It is also important to see the inequality in society between those who are fortunate and those who are not and how the way we treat people makes all the difference. Being kind and generous to our fellow human beings is key", she says.
The team's process is focused and fun. "As we are re-staging the show, most of the cast members are doing what we did previously". Mrs Gourlay Moore continues. "This is highly beneficial as we can build on that and take it in new directions. So the show will be a refreshed version. We do a lot of work on characterisation and explore different versions and approaches to each scene. So we are never stuck on repeat and keep finding new and creative ways to bring the show to life".
In the show this year there are five actors instead of six; Mrs Gourlay Moore is also performing. Hamish Campbell has joined the cast, playing several roles including Tiny Tim and Scrooge’s nephew, Fred. The returning cast are Barry O’Rorke as Ebenezer Scrooge, Michael Sharmon, who plays roles that include Jacob Marley and Bob Cratchit, Jacqueline Gourlay Moore playing the Ghosts of Christmas past, present and future. Candice Gourlay Moore is playing Mrs Cratchit, Mrs Fezziwig and a few others.
The running time of the show is 90 minutes this year. There will be jokes that are crackers and surprise Christmas goodies for the audience!
Mrs Gourlay Moore has just finished co-directing and performing in the Secret Theatre Project Code 2024@Tai Kwun and now she is straight onto A Christmas Carol. Of course, she is looking forward to a nice, festive Christmas break in the UK with her wife (Mrs Gourlay Moore recently married) after the show! More to come in 2020 for Sweet & Sour Productions, including a brand new play.
Find out more about A Christmas Carol here.