Preview- A Midsummer Night's Dream- Drama School Hong Kong
The vibrant and dynamic group Drama School Hong Kong is proud to present its latest work, A Midsummer Night's Dream. The drama in education group is known to bring traditional ideas to the stage with a twist (as they did in one of their latest works, Hamelin). This time, the team looks forward to bringing one of the Bard's most famous works, and we are curious to know how director Vincent Warren deconstructed the initial idea and rebuilt it. "We decided to present A Midsummer Night's Dream as the themes in the play still strike a chord with young people", the director says. "It shows generations at odds with each other and asks questions about the nature of love and power. Furthermore, Shakespeare's play is perfect for this type of interactive experience, with its action moving from different locations, each with their unique feel. In the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods, when Shakespeare was making theatre, the lines between the audience were less distinct, as it had a much more intimate relationship with the action. Our production is in the promenade style and allows the audience to move from location to location and at times be part of the action as a kind of 'spectactor'. We wanted to use material that would lend itself to installation and a more immersive style of theatre. "
Music, as in every production presented by Drama School Hong Kong, plays a vital role in the show. There is no better connector than music, especially when it comes to bringing together children of different nationalities and backgrounds. "In addition to the focus on installation, Shakespeare's play has music at its heart. We decided to take music from Into the Woods by Sondheim and blend it with some of the scenes. The themes in both plays cross over, and it's turned out to be an interesting mix," said Warren.
The company's process is somewhat unique for young peoples' theatre production in Hong Kong, and the final goal is for young people to take full control of each performance. "It is a thoroughly rewarding process and a genuinely collaborative experience," added Warren. "We have a broad range of practitioners working on the project, guiding and developing the company's ideas. At DSHK we aim to create a real sense of ownership over the work produced and everyone shapes the production with input into all the design and technical elements involved."
Sixteen company members are participating in this production, and their age ranges from 10yrs upwards. They come from different schools across Hong Kong and work closely together with the Director, Technical Director, Set and Costume Designer, Makeup Artist, Stage and Production Manager.
"There is always a lot of laughter during rehearsals", the director says. "There are a lot of characters that storm on and off in the play. Some dramatic exits have caused a few hilarious company breakdowns."
We look forward to seeing what Drama School Hong Kong in action on May 28 at Drama Studio, Kellett School Kowloon Bay. We are also curious to know what is coming next. Mr Warren promises to announce news very soon, so just watch this space!
For more information about this production, click here.
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