Preview- Ivor Gurney- A Voice Apart


By: Meaghan McGurgan


A Voice Apart is all about prolific poet and composer Ivor Gurney. But who is Ivor? Until a few weeks ago I had never heard of him… And why does his story need telling? The team behind this production are passionate to share his story and bring this artist’s work to life at the Fringe Club this month.


 “The story of Ivor Gurney is only beginning to see the light of day. It is very exciting to be part of an emerging awareness of this unique genius. If I could spend 2 hours in a pub with a different person for every evening of the week, he would be scheduled in…” says actor Jonathan Douglas, who is playing the iconic role. He continues, “Ivor Gurney was a composer and poet, one of a handful in human history who can claim to have achieved great things in both those fields. He saw himself as a 'child of joy' but while a student at the RCM (where he was known as Schubert), he began to experience mental problems and extreme mood swings. Ironically, his condition stabilised during his 18 months or so in the trenches in WW1. He was invalided out as a result of gas in 1917 and his problems returned until he exhibited clear symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. Sadly, he spent his final 15 years in a mental institution.  For long regarded as one of the more marginal war poets, Gurney's reputation, both as a composer of song and as a poet, has been growing in recent years. He is well on the way to being widely regarded as one of the most important and original artists of his generation.”


You might know Jonathan as a host at RTHK but he’s very excited to bring his talents to the stage for once and share Gurney’s life story. The play is set in the mental asylum where Ivor spent the final years of his life. Ivor is trapped, not only physically but also spiritually — reliving the horrific gas attacks he suffered at The Front, yet also his tender memories of Marion Scott, a woman who was to become the most influential figure in Gurney's life. Throughout the performance, we also hear Ivor’s own haunting compositions and poems. Mr. Douglas is also working alongside well-known and respected Hong Kong talents such as: David Booth, Karina Zabihi, Mike Ingham, Peter Fann, Grahame Carder and David Quah among others. Although many team members have been in Hong Kong for many years, this is the first time they’ve teamed up together to put on a production. The show will include live music, which should help draw the audiences into the magic of Gurney’s world.



“The First World War is now a most distant part of history and, for many people, is as remote as the siege of Troy… This brilliant short play, about the impacts of the Great War experience and its sufferings, upon a poet and composer of genius invites such a "Wow" response, indeed from anyone, and not just in a Hong Kong context. It is a special play. Whether or not it is a special production depends upon us. I would say that the signs are good,” says David Booth with a smile.


The play was written by Piers Gray, which might sound familiar to the hardcore theatre fans in Hong Kong. A local playwright from our little harbor, he was a well respected and celebrated writer until his death in 1996. This work was previously performed at the Edinburgh Play Festival.


Ivor Gurney- A Voice Apart will be playing at the Fringe Club from May 21st to 23rd at 8pm with a 2pm matinee on Saturday. Tickets can be purchased at HKticketing and adult tickets are 220hkd. There are additional discounts for students, Fringe Club members, persons with disabilities and the elderly, with the cheapest seat going for 100hkd. It's a bargain and well suited show for students of music, history or poetry according to Assistant Director Mike Ingham. “There is the obvious appeal to both musical and literary types… It is joyful, sad, life-enhancing and will resonate with anyone interested in any aspect of humanity and human experience. It is also timely for such a piece to be performed during these years marking the centenary of WW1.”



“Working with such a dedicated and passionate team is a joy – being the only female in the group is also quite a laugh - but I have also, strangely, become obsessive about WWI!” says Karina.


The team is working hard to produce a show that is entertaining, well thought out and historically accurate. That's a challenge for any artist and especially for those performing in a small space like the Fringe but director David Booth isn’t deterred. As he puts it: “The only future for living theatre is in small intimate rooms. The day of the large audience has gone. This will be a powerful, intimate living theatre experience.”


Do you enjoy powerful, intimate theatre?


Want to learn more about a great artist who was under-appreciated until recently?


Then check out Ivor Gurney- A Voice Apart at the Fringe.


You can find out more about the project and their inspiration at their website. 


Ivor Gurney- A Voice Apart is playing from May 21st to 23rd at the Fringe Club. For more information, click here.




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