Preview-Otherhood-Not So Loud
By: Meaghan McGurgan
“There’s a danger that people will think this play is just a bunch of lucky expats moaning about their luck and troubles in Hong Kong...but the humor comes from that. This is a fantastic cast because each of them has been living this kind of life. They understand it... This play gently asks pertinent questions about Hong Kong society and whether as an expatriate you can contribute to it in a meaningful way and change it.”- Tom Hope
Not So Loud Theatre Company is back on stage to bring us a new play called Otherhood. It’s a sort of world premiere as the original play by Rachel Fleishman and Drue Neel Glauber had a US debut back in 2008 after Fleishman had an experience as a “trailing spouse” when her husband got a job in Belgium. Fleishman has since moved to Hong Kong and thought that Otherhood and its myriad of themes would be perfect for us. Its location has been changed to HK and several key plot points in the script have been adjusted. Director Tom Hope calls this version “Otherhood HK.0”
So what is a trailing spouse? Until I received a press release for this play I had never heard of such a term. A trailing spouse can be described as a person who follows his or her life partner to another city because of a work assignment. Famous examples are Victoria Beckham and Julia Child. Other examples could include military wives or even husbands that travel with their wives on diplomatic assignments.
When asked why audiences will like the play actress Lisa Belcher states, “Since each character comes from a different place, I think any audience member will find a character they identify with. It’s interesting to see this group of moms interact.” Themes covered in the play are everything from depression to eating disorders to the feeling of entrapment by circumstances. “Even though it covers a lot of serious subjects, it’s still very funny,” adds Belcher. One of the themes covered in the play is religion. Joni Forster is playing Tina, a conservative Mormon wife who is new to Hong Kong. “She struggles with the other ladies who have travelled and seen a bit more. She’s strong in her faith, has a young child and has to learn about a new country.”
So how does a male director get into the mind of a play that’s all about women’s issues? The cast members took it upon themselves to teach him all about them! “Tom got a crash course in female problems. We taught him about nursing bras the other day. He knows all about them now,” laughs a cast member.
“We’re marketing this play to the marriage counselors in Hong Kong,” adds Belcher. Men in Hong Kong that find themselves always perplexed by WTF is going on inside their lady friend’s head might find that Otherhood is an excellent guide to the inner workings.
The actresses are all first timers on the Hong Kong stage so be prepared to see all new faces which is always a pleasure. These ladies are taking on these roles that are close to home as most of them have spent time as trailing spouses. Art is imitating life with Otherhood.
Playing at the Fringe Club for just three short days - be sure to get your tickets as these ladies are sure to sell out. Although, as a fair warning, even though this show is about moms it’s not for the kiddies. It’s sort of like the Desperate Housewives of Hong Kong and contains adult language/content. That makes for great entertainment for you and me but young children may find themselves traumatized by the sexy dancing. (Yes boys... There’s sexy dancing. And kissing too...)
Otherhood is playing at the Fringe Club April 18-20th at 7:30pm. There are two ticket prices. The opening night tickets are 150HKD and the Friday and Saturday tickets are 200HKD (160HKD for students and Fringe club members). On Friday night there will be a Q&A with director, cast and the two authors. For more information, click here.
Fans from the USA
Pleased to see these playwrights active again on the HK scene. Script in hand, I shall envision as best I can this week's successes! All good wishes from your fans in Washington!
14 April 2013Fans from the UK
Congratulation to Drue and Rachel on a fabulous, thought-provoking and warmly humorous play. Bravo! You sold out all three nights with standing ovations for the playwrights, the director, the cast and the crew. We can't wait to see the play in the UK. Encore, encore!
01 April 2016