Preview- P.S. Your Cat is Dead!- NAIAD Productions
By: Meaghan McGurgan
“No cats are harmed in the making of this production”- Linda Davy
Fans of last year’s Accidental Death of an Anarchist will be excited to hear that producer and director Lara Genovese is back with her next production. P.S. Your Cat is Dead! is a black comedy by American playwright James Kirkwood. Genovese first became attached to the script when taking an acting class in Los Angeles last year, "I was given a short scene of this script to play the role of Kate. After having worked on her character, I did not have the opportunity of completing the task fully as I had to come back to Hong Kong. Having fallen in love with the script immediately, I knew this had to be my next show to produce." Hailed as “darkly funny” by the New York Times when it first opened on Broadway, NAIAD productions in collaboration with Shift is the first one to bring Kirkwood’s play to Hong Kong.
The play is based on a novel of the same name by Kirkwood and was adapted to the stage in 1975. There’s even a film version of this play with Steve Gutenburg. You may know Kirkwood as one of the co-writers of A Chorus Line. He won several awards for that production, including a Tony Award.
It’s about a “down on his luck” actor named Jimmy who’s having a not-so-great week: his girlfriend’s left him, his cat’s in the animal hospital, he’s been robbed twice and he’s just found a burglar in his apartment… Who he's just decided to tie to his kitchen table for New Year's. Creepy bondage tendencies aside, Jimmy soon discovers he’s not too different from his larcenous acquaintance.
“People enjoy comedy because they're going to have a good time.” Genovese says. "I laugh throughout rehearsals from the beginning to the end. There is so much character 'flipping'. As the relationship among Jimmy and Vito develops, there is no way people won't end up falling in love with them."
Set during the 80’s, be prepared for some hilarious costume moments brought to you by designer Lisa Frain. Stretch belts, neon colors, puffy coats and atomic bangs will be in full force for this show. If there’s one thing people can agree on from all nations, it's that the 80’s had some horrendous but hysterical fashion moments. “What was sexy in the 80’s is not sexy now...” jokes Michael Rogers, referring to his Cosby sweater. For theatre fans that love the 80's, there will be a special contest. "Come in style! DAZzle us with a cool 80s hairdo and you could win a special prize!" Time to break out the Aquanet, ladies...
Regular to the Hong Kong entertainment world, Michael Pizzuto will be taking on a small role in the play. “It’s a very funny script with really funny, black comedy moments, which is a genre I really enjoy.” Other actors include Michael Rogers, Hamish David Fitsell Cambell and Lara Genovese. “This has been a really fun show to work on...” says Hamish. “Lara’s very organized as a director... Every time we come to rehearsal we have two and half hours to get through it... and work on the script.”
Based on the sneak peak we saw last night, the show is a fast paced whirl with rapid fire dialogue. There were some great little gems in the text. My new favorite insult is, “You are an all American, three dimensional, pain in the ass.” Rogers tore up the little rehearsal room as Jimmy, throwing things about and yelling like a maniac. It intrigued us to see more of Jimmy’s story. We’ve all had moments when we feel like the world is out to get us and nothing is going right. What happens when the straw breaks the camel’s back and there's a thief in your apartment?
Rogers states, “There’s a lot of colorful language that I get to spout out. That’s always a lot of fun as a performer.” When asked if the show is appropriate for children there was a resounding answer of “Absolutely not!!” from the cast, with laughter, so best leave the kiddies at home!
P.S. Your Cat is Dead! is playing at the McAulay Theatre in Wanchai from February 19th to February 23rd. There are evening shows at 8pm and matinees at 3pm on Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are 220HKD. There are additional discounts for students, seniors and persons with disabilities. You can find out more about NAIAD Productions, through their website. This show is being sponsored by the support of Shift, The Globe, The Flying Pan, M CO. Design HK Ltd, DAZ hair, and the Italian Chamber of Commerce. The cast and crew are very grateful for their support of the local art scene.
Lara adds, "Everyone on board from the cast to the production team are brilliant. I am looking forward to the show week!"
And so are we...
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