Preview- Vincent- Stylus Productions






Theatre is back, and so are we. This week we are presenting Vincent, written by Leonard Nimoy and produced by Stylus Productions. We have asked solo actor and director Adam Harris a few questions, and we are looking forward to seeing him in action. 


What made you decide to choose this play?



Multiple reasons. On a pragmatic note, I am on relatively safe ground here, having staged this before. Theatres are just opening up again after a long break and it is good to be on terra firma for now. Being a one-actor piece, rehearsals conform with social-distancing guidelines! The play itself is lovely, quite lovely. Yes, it is about an extremely famous artist, and that will hopefully be fascinating for an audience, but the core of the story is the (entirely true) intertwined and loving relationship between two brothers. Vincent’s struggles with feelings of despair and despondency are touchingly shown and perhaps we can all  relate to such feelings at the moment. Vincent Van Gogh was a fascinating man and the mythology that surrounds him - the ear, the suicide – does not do him justice. Based on the lifetime of letters between the brothers, this play really lifts the veil.



Yes, you have performed Vincent in the past. Any changes?

Core script unchanged of course but I am aiming to give a very fresh rendering. A lot more use of sound and a lot more focus on Vincent himself. This may sound strange - he is the title character! - but the main protagonist is actually his brother, Theo. Previously I think I undersold the artist himself. I am working to bring out some elements of comedy too. These were two young brothers, living together at one time in Belle Époque Paris – there would have been a lot of laughter mixed in with the pathos.


Leonard Nimoy as playwright? Who knew?

Indeed. It surprises a lot of people. Of a certain vintage. I have pointed it out excitedly to some younger friends and have been met with a blank expression. “You know…Spock”. Showing my age, I guess.


How was Stylus affected by Covid, and what alternative arrangements did you make during the pandemic?

Well, it went into hibernation. Stylus was riding high after a sold-out production of Educating Rita and then bang. Having said that, it’s not all Covid. As the years advance, the burning of the candle at both ends required to put these shows on gets more difficult. Those of us who remember Spock, you know. 



Anything else to share?

Well, I hope the audience is as excited about getting back into a theatre as I am. This production is all for charity – a very worthy community and educational centre in Cambodia will be benefitting. Vincent would have approved – he was a true humanitarian. 


Vincent plays at McAulay Studio, HK Arts Centre,  from Nov 18-20 (Saturday night is sold out). Tickets on sale at HKD 180/HKD 200, and are available at All proceeds go to Trek Community Centre. 






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vincent, stylus production