Preview: Why Not Kill Us All....- CCDC





City Contemporary Dance Company is presenting its latest work which will be staged next week at Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Why Not Kill Us All..... is Bruce Wong’s first full-length choreography. 



CCDC dancer Bruce Wong started studying at the HKAPA in 1995, where he received several scholarships and represented the Academy on overseas tours. In 1998, he was awarded an Asian Cultural Council Fellowship to participate in the American Dance Festival in the US. He received the Hong Kong Jockey Club Dance Fund Scholarship for his Masters at Hollins University in the US. In 2010, he was one of the few dance finalists shortlisted for the prestigious Rolex Mentor & Protégé Arts Initiative. His recent choreography includes TheLegend and The Hero, Dress Me Down in Strip Teaser 2012, Re/dis-connect in It’s My Turn and How to Become ... in Eureka.



Mr. Wong's latest piece mixes elements of dance and martial arts. The prizewinning practitioner of Baguazhang and Neijia Quan, Bruce Wong already introduced the mixing of the two disciplines in his last choreography How to Become ... in Eureka in 2015. From confronting one’s strengths and weaknesses, Wong extends his investigation in this new work into the world, looking into the nervous state of life and drawing experience from the choreographer and the dancers.





"When did you learn of fear? When did “we” become “they”? Essentialise human beings. Put on the camouflage of legitimacy. Rationalise weapons. See those unchanging as the Other. And the reason for massacre is born. Virtue, Vice, Good, Bad, you reap what you sow. Yes? No? Don’t stay silent and drift along with the flow."

Martial arts and dance share one origin. 

Wong said, “Indeed, Donald Trump, Brexit, ISIS, they are all rooted in fear. At their core is a rejection of the Other, or the creation of the Other. It’s the same here in Hong Kong, labelling a group, creating fear, which unites this group, and thus conflict is created!”



For 37 years under the leadership of Founder and Artistic Director Willy Tsao, City Contemporary Dance Company has inspired and excited audiences – not only in Hong Kong but also around the world – performing superb contemporary dance pieces. Founded in 1979, CCDC has presented more than 200 original works to critical acclaim, including productions by Tsao and other leading choreographers, such as Helen Lai, Mui Cheuk-yin, Pun Siu-fai and Yuri Ng.



CCDC has also presented innovative collaborations with outstanding artists from other media and with artists from around the world. CCDC is renowned for reflecting the vigour and creativity of Hong Kong’s vibrant, multifaceted contemporary culture, presenting dance works to an audience of more than 50,000 people annually. It has represented Hong Kong, receiving 244 overseas invitations to perform on some of the world’s foremost dance stages and festivals in more than 30 major cities around the world.



CCDC’s commitment to education and development results in around 40 outreach performances annually, offering highly popular dance courses to more than 40,000 students and audience members each year.



CCDC also helps to organise dance festivals in mainland China. Through the China Dance Development Programme, founded in 1998, CCDC provides administrative and technical support to emerging Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese artists. CCDC Dance Centre, opened in 2004, provides young artists, students and the community with dance facilities and programmes, ensuring the ongoing development of dance as a vital artistic pursuit in Hong Kong.


To watch the trailer click here.



CCDC also offers a photo exhibition from May 2 through May 8 (Foyer Exhibition Area E1, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Free Admission), together with an open rehearsal on May 13 at 11am, Jockey Club Dance Theatre, CCDC Dance Centre. Free admission by online registration. Limited capacity.


For more information about this production, click here. 


  • strongwoman38
    11 June 2017

    co to jest instagram zapytaj onet Dzieki za ciekawy post, terez bede tu wpadac czesciej jak kupic obserwujacych na instagramie

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