Preview-Thinner Than Water-Aurora Theatre
By: Meaghan McGurgan
“Martin is deep in debt, addicted to gambling, pissed as hell, and dying. His three estranged children couldn't care less. As the world around them crumbles, they argue with each other and with everyone around them in a desperate struggle to do the right thing and mend their rapidly deteriorating lives.” That sounds like a hilarious piece of theatre to take the whole family to, right? Local theatre company, Aurora Theatre, hopes you think so.
They’re the first company to bring Melissa Ross’ dark comedy to Hong Kong and hope that audiences will identify with the black humor and familial issues brought about in the piece. British actress, Andrea Nodroum, describes the work as, “Heart Wrenching… and Funny.” Andrea is a very talented performer who has worked overseas with some amazing companies and is proud to bring the character of Rene to life. “Everyone can relate to this play and everyone can learn from these characters, learn from their mistakes!... Maybe not young kids I say the F word ALOT!”
Producer and performer Nicole Garbellini has become a staple of the theatrical scene in the past few years and was the one who first discovered the play. “I was in Connecticut last summer taking a theatre workshop at LAByrinth Theatre Company… Thinner Than Water was part of the material that we read at the workshop, and I was cast in the same part I’m playing now. I loved the play, and I thought about staging it in Hong Kong. I asked my team what they thought of it and they all thought it was brilliant, so why not going for it? At Aurora Theatre we love great stories that give our audience something to think about. Thinner than Water is certainly a great one.”
Heckler winning director Brad Powers is helming the production along with a melting pot of diversity in the cast: Nikil Inaya, Natalie Lund, Jessica McClellan, David Tsim star along with Nicole, Brad and Andrea. There is a mixture of new and familiar faces on the stage which should please audience members who are always on the lookout for new talent. “Our casting is always diverse….” says Nicole, “That's what we love about Hong Kong; we live in a very international place and that can happily reflect on our plays.”
I consider myself to be a pretty knowledgable theatre junkie but had never heard of this play or Melissa Ross. That intrigued me... It’s not often I don’t know a play when I receive a press release. So, what is this play and who is this new writer? Thinner than Water is Ms. Ross’ first major work to get stage time. It was first presented in New York in February 2011. Since then it’s had limited runs at the Kitchen Dog in Dallas and the Gift Theatre in Chicago but Hong Kong is it’s first major international city to be performed at. I find it fascinating that we’re it’s first stop… Will Hong Kong audiences enjoy a play that was described as “blood-raw”? Will this play then become an regional theatre favorite like Christopher Durang's catalog?
Thinner than Water is playing this week at the Fringe Club at the Underground Theatre starting at 7:15pm from March 4th to 7th. Tickets are 250HKD with discounts for students, the eldery, Fringe Club members and persons with disabilities on HKticketing. For those who can’t come this week or can’t make the start time due to work, no need to fear… There is second run of this production at Brave Heart Theatre later in the month from March 16th to 18th. Tickets will range from 200-250HKD and are currently available on
“Thinner than Water tells a wonderful story, and that's what we need the most nowadays. Great stories that can be inspirational. We promise entertainment, laughter and a tear or two. But mostly laughter…” says Nicole.
To contact Aurora Theatre, please visit their facebook page or visit their website.
Thinner than Water is playing at the Fringe Club through March 7th. The re-run will take place at Brave Heart Theatre through March 18th. For more information, click here.
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