Resolutions for the New Year


2012 has been a very exciting year for me! I want to keep working at bettering myself and my craft. I always make a resolution list rather than a singular resolution. I'm really excited about number eight! I see lotsa blog postings coming off of this one. If you have any suggestions on what classes I should take let me know. I'm open to learning about all kinds of art forms. Here are my resolutions for 2013. What's your resolution?

  1. See more.
  2. Read more.
  3. Support more local artists.
  4. Stay on budget, both in art and life.
  5. Try a new genre.
  6. Try and get rid of the divide caused by language barriers amongst artists.
  7. "Take chances. Make mistakes. Get messy!"
  8. Take a class in an artform I know nothing about.
  9. Not only keep my current audience but get different people's butts in the seats.
  10. Work with new people. Make new friends.


  • Brad
    01 January 2013

    Love the MSB reference.

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