Review- La Soiree- Lunchbox Productions

By: Meaghan McGurgan
In a combination of circus, cabaret and burlesque that has been running since its creation at Edinburgh Fringe, La Soiree swung into Hong Kong last night. I found it enjoyable, the cast talented, but sometimes their use of camp a little over the top.
There’s mocking of the stereotypes of circus talent in this show from the prim and proper English Gents, comprising feats of strength and balance – they make any other way of reading a newspaper seem boring. La Soiree’s take on the burlesque strip show with parodies of Singing in the Rain and Big Spender are cleverly choreographed and not vulgar. Nothing is sacred to the cast of La Soiree. They shock, they tease, they stick kazoos where the sun don’t shine.
The blocking and layout for the production is well done, scene changes are seamless and the acts slide easily in and out. They’ve transformed the HKAPA into a carnivale like atmosphere with simple effects. The costumes are beautifully made, especially for La Gateau Chocolate. He looked like a delicious piece of cake.
The cast has an infectious energy that makes you smile. They’re very talented performers and incredibly skilled, although at times their showmanship and camp is overdone and takes away from the performances. The best examples of this is the contortion act, Captain Frodo and the knife juggling from Nate Cooper. Both were incredibly talented gentlemen but their “fopping” became tiresome after several minutes. An audience can only enjoy so many prat falls in a short period of time.
The best part of the show is the opening by La Gateau Chocolate. He was my favorite performer of the night and started the evening off with a bang that was truly memorable. His rendition of Turandot’s Nessun Dorma was bone chilling. He has a glorious stage presence, plus his vocal quality and range is stunning. I’ve never seen a performer quite like him and if there was a soundtrack for La Soiree with him on it, I would buy it in a heart beat. Seeing and hearing him sing is worth the price of admission. I can't help but wonder if he was inspiration for The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt's Titus Andromedon.
There were some opening night quirks with sound out of balance and a few speakers cracking in Act One but hopefully these will be worked out over the course of the run. These issues are minor and easily fixed.
Now, I don’t know who decided to put on the marketing materials that this show was “Recommended for ages 7 and up” but I can tell you this show is NOT CHILD FRIENDLY. There is a lot of adult content and language. F words flew left and right, there was partial nudity, burlesque, simulated masturbation on stage and more. Parents who had brought kids to the show last night were not happy. I personally would recommend it for ages 18 and up. Moms and Dads or people who are bringing your grandma, be fully aware of what you’re coming to. This show is very good but it does not shy away from the sexy side of things. If you are a more conservative audience member, this is not the show for you. But if you are a brave theatre goer who wants something naughty, bold and in your face then this show is absolute perfection.
La Soiree is playing through Sunday. For more information, click here.
Brad Jacobs
Holy shit- thanks for the warning. Will now take the kids to something else. LOL. Can you imagine?
17 September 2015