Review- Russell Howard- Udderbelly


By: Meaghan McGurgan


Russell Howard had a night of firsts. He came and performed in a big purple cow and he absolutely killed it. Russell Howard (for those that don't know...) is a comedian, television and actor. He is best known for his TV show Russell Howard's Good News and his appearances on the topical panel TV show Mock the Week. His humor is fast paced, self-depricating and charming. He is not afraid to talk about any nationality, his own foibles or his beloved family members.


He is a British comedian and as he said in his act coyly, "People know me in England..." Being an American, I'm not aware of his TV appearances and was going into Mr. Howard's show with a completely blank slate. Who was this bright eyed, blonde haired, impish man with the whitest teeth I have ever seen? He was obviously popular. He had sold out the huge purple cow... But I think I was the only American sitting in the audience. His use of words like "cottaging" and "chuffed" in his act, made me know his act is more tailored for the Hong Kong's British expat audience. He even opened the show with a 10 minute segway on the troubles of flying Business class. #onlyinhk


His opener, Steve WIlliams was even more British than Howard. (If you can even imagine...) He was an excellent opener and warmed the crowd up with energy and lots of laughs. I think his act was more suited for the British men in the audience rather than the ladies but he got more than his fair share of laughs. Although personally, I did enjoy his material on British reactions in the bank. We all know the firm feedback of a tongue click. If you think a British person's sigh/tongue click is bad; try a disapproving Chinese ladies, it'll cut you to the core.


Russell Howard's show is playing at the Udderbelly festival through the week. It is my understanding that he has sold out but there are many other comics playing at the festival through February. If any of them are as delightful as Howard, you are surely in for a treat. He was a truly enjoyable night at the cow, well worth every single penny.


For more information about Russell Howard, click here.


Rate This Show: 1 2 3 4 5 Audience Rating: 5.0


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