Review- The Elephant Song- Sweet & Sour Productions


By Lisa Middleton



Candice Moore and Sweet and Sour Productions are back in town! I was very excited to be reviewing this play as I remember feeling a tad jealous that it was being put on in the U.K., so I was delighted to have the opportunity to see this in Hong Kong. Having been impressed with the movie, which nobody apparently had seen apart from me, I was intrigued to see how the twists and turns could be portrayed on stage.


The set is minimal but functional; props are authentic, a Tim Hortons disposable coffee cup, very impressive. From the minute the first actor entered the stage I was caught up in the drama, which was fast-paced and perfectly timed by every single performer. Warren Adams as Dr Greenberg portrayed the director of a psychiatric hospital with aplomb. At times for me the impatience and frustration were slightly too much; surely a psychiatrist would have more insight into how to handle a difficult and unpredictable patient? However, as the play progressed, the background of the story made his frustration justifiable.


Kath O’Connor as Miss Peterson showed great strength as the nurse and her range of emotions were acted with ease. Luke Lampard who played Michael Aleen was flawless and his interactions with the two other characters were at times so intimate you got lost in them. His game of cat and mouse with Dr Greenberg and his love/hate relationship with Miss Peterson showed the depth of character  required for this role. What was clear with all of the actors is that they were right on point and never missed a beat; I don’t think I have ever seen such an intense series of interactions on stage.


The venue was packed, perfect for opening night. However, some people had restricted viewing, and some elements of the story may have been lost to them due to this. If the ticket price is the same for everyone, then everyone should have the same vantage point, give or take a tall patron in front of you, not a concrete pillar.


I would thoroughly recommend this play to everyone, sheer escapism and many twists and turns. Everyone better get tickets quickly before they run out. 

Rate This Show: 1 2 3 4 5 Audience Rating: 4.7


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