Review- The Vagina Monologues- VDAY 2015

Enlightened by the Vagina.
Half the world’s population is female, which means there are billions of vaginas in the world. They are around us each and every day. Yet, until very very recently, people haven’t really talked about them. They are kept secret and hidden and are often considered taboo. But, why?
In the same way that the penis – that everyone talks about all the time – is such a defining aspect of men, the vagina is at the core of women. It is the doorway to the nursery where we all attained Life. And, it should be celebrated, not hidden away.
That is what Eve Ensler, the author of The Vagina Monologues, sought to englighten the world about when she interviewed hundreds of women to create this ever-evolving piece. It’s not an anatomy or sex lesson, but a journey through women’s real life experiences and relationships with their vaginas. How they have felt pain and shame, great joy, release and every emotion in between because of their vaginas. Through a series of adeptly delivered monologues in an intimate environment, the audience is taken from full on belly laughs and chortles to watery eyes filled with introspection during the 90 minute show.
Each year, women around the world present this piece during the Valentine's season to celebrate women and to bring attention to plight of the many women around the world who are abused and misused.
“When you rape, beat, maim, mutilate, burn, bury, and terrorize women, you destroy the essential life energy on the planet.”- Eve Ensler
This year, fifteen talented women came together to bring these stories to life in order to raise money and awareness for Hong Kong Helpers Campaign, an organization that seeks to aid foreign Domestic Helpers who come into our homes to help us live easier and better lives.
Each performance was delivered with care, compassion and joy for the real women they were representing. However, there were a few pieces that were given that extra punch of conviction that made their performances so much more touching. “They Beat the Girl Out of My Boy” presented by Keren Chaukria, Osmary Nieves, Kate Mulligan, Jasmin Parsons and Robynne De Kock was riveting. The comedic and dramatic timing of Lisa Middleton is flawless. Sarah Martin gave it her all during, “My Angry Vagina”. Kate Mulligan was sassy and witty in,"My Short Skirt". Jasmin Parson’s final "revolution" was truly touching. And, everyone’s favorite orgasmic orchestra was delivered with flawless execution and take no prisoners attitude by Jennie Davies.
There were certainly some issues to overcome. Despite its intimate space, there were a few performers who failed to speak to the back row and to truly connect with all three sides of the audience. There were some technical flickers that need to be ironed out regarding the lighting. And, some moments that could be emotionally amped easily by adjusting the flow of the work. But, these are all tiny issues that can be easily mended over the course of a run.
A big hand should be given to Brave Heart Theatre and the Premium Sofa Club for supporting this event, Vanessa Noble, the Director, for her vision and guidance and Meaghan McGurgan for pulling it all together for an amazing cause.
If you don’t have a chance, please visit, to see how you can further support this organization.
The Vagina Monologues is sold out! For more information, click here.
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