Review-Augmented Reality-HKPFF

By: Cindy Kim
Augmented Reality by DanceOutHK is perhaps a misleading name for this five act performance, of which only two could arguably be truly about “a live direct or indirect view of a physical environment whose elements are altered (or supplemented) by technology”, as given in the official description. But this is a performance which fits right into the spirit of the fringe festival. Far from the predictable techno-rave hip hop robot dancing; it embraces noise music and industrial sounds, mixing together the sounds of nature like birdsong and in-use heavy machinery grinding away at your ears. It’s an experience and a good one.
Although, as a program described it as aiming to explore how technology augments our reality, there was a general underutilization of this concept. Other than in Absent Presence, where there was a sound board on stage and featured live music by REBREARTH, the most integrated I saw technology was a video projection of a basic background onto the wall, which was personally a bit disappointing. But this is just as much of an exploration of the mechanistic human body as it is technologically augmented reality. The set and lighting isn't particularly outstanding, but the focus of the show is more on the dancers and music anyway.
Still Human, both choreographed and performed by Jethro Pioquinto evokes long-buried childhood memories of dancing in the rain. But it’s not without its political twist, as suggested by the numerous umbrellas scattered across the stage. The Hong Kong arts scene has been heavily involved with the recent protests, and what this is stating is up to you.
No ‘Te Sulfures, choreographed by Gil khan Ravago, has an interesting combination of organic and mechanic dancing. Reminiscent of cogs in a machine spinning away, yet not locked into place, humanity synchronized but not identical. Needless to say, everything is especially open to personal interpretation and can mean whatever you think it does. The floor is open to questions at the end, so if there’s a burning desire to affirm or deny your interpretation of anything, feel free to ask the choreographers.
Like most other shows involved in the HKPFF, the ticket pricing is extremely affordable. It's 100HKD for adults and 50HKD for full-time students and senior citizens. They’re available to buy at the door, which makes it pretty easy to just show up. If you have nothing to do on this Sunday night, just grab a few friends and go.
Augmented Reality has now closed. For more information, click here.
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