Review-David Sedaris-Story Worthy Week


By: Meaghan McGurgan

David Sedaris doesn’t really need much criticism… He’s an award winning author, has published eight books and contributed countless times to the New Yorker and other famous publications. Last night he came to Hong Kong as part of Story Worthy Week. He was their “marquee event” as Tom Tiding (SWW co-founder and presenter for the evening) described. Wanting to prove that Hong Kong is not a cultural desert and can sustain such events, Mr. Tiding was determined to prove that Hong Kong audiences are interested in the arts. He was proven right with a sell-out show at the KITEC.


David Sedaris* is a delight to listen to. I’ve never had the privilege of hearing him speak before. (I’ve only ever read his books.) So imagine my delight when this whimsical, Capote-esque voice popped out of his mouth. He’s charming, witty and effervescent when weaving his tales. He makes you automatically engaged and feel familiar with his issues; whether it’s getting your story rejected by “This American Life”, sitting in a baboon’s beauty parlour or picking up trash on a roadside in Sussex. Just because you’re a great writer doesn’t mean you’re going to be a wonderful speaker… But Sedaris is spectacular as a performer. His show is simple, just him and the words, but he doesn’t need much fuss to have you rolling in your seat. Some of my favorite one liners of the evening included: "My willingness to accept and celebrate evil.", "Getting cremated at an icecream parlour, with a traditional Sundae service." and his 10 minute commercial for local clothing shop Del Store in Wanchai. You can find the website for this store, here; tell them David Sedaris sent you and gave them and their hobo pants the best publicity of their lives.


His ability to create the characters in his pieces, paint the pictures of the locations and provide us with witty banter is something special. My favorite piece of the evening belonged to Understanding Understanding Owls. This story was where Sedaris turned his sardonic eye on himself and his search for the perfect Valentine's Gift for his partner. The days of giving just a box of chocolates and a carton of cigarettes were past and they had entered the elaborate gift-giving phase. Having grown up in the South, I’m quite familiar with some people’s fascination with and ability to stuff anything. 


Things that could be improved for next year’s marquee speaker are having mics for the audience questions at the end, so everyone can hear the questions and the speaker doesn’t have to repeat them. It would also give people in the back the ability to ask questions. It might also be nice to have a tighter focus on the stage lighting when the speaking begins. One of the parcans was shining on the stageleft wall and causing a glare in the audience's faces because of the gloss on the veneer. But these are minor matters...


Hearing Sedaris speak is an investment worth every single penny. He’s entertaining, engaging and able to make even the most mundane tasks sound exciting. If he ever comes back to Hong Kong, I’ll be back to hear him. Tom Tiding should be very happy; Story Worthy Week is a smashing success. And if David Sedaris’ show is any suggestion to the future, it’s only going to grow bigger and better.


David Sedaris has now closed. For more information, click here.


*Disclaimer: The author has removed any and all references to Mr. Sedaris’ height and will not refer to him as: small, “bonsai-sized”, elfin, diminutive, Lilliputian, Tom Cruis(ian), delicate, impish, slight, petit, pocket-sized, Hong Kong-sized or travel size for our convenience. 



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