Review-Hairspray!-Face Productions

By: Leeann Bennett
There was a wee problem with my ticket when I got to the theatre. For a minute I thought that I was not going to see the show. It was a minute that passed quickly enough as I was rescued and a ticket procured quickly for me by the lovely and excruciatingly helpful folks in charge. Boy was I lucky because I wouldn’t have wanted to miss even a second of this production of Hairspray, presented by Face Productions. There are many shows that are good. Some have good sets and costumes, some have music on their side, many have good actors or dancers or singers. Rarely do you have a show where everything is going for it.
It can be tough to put on a good show which is why I tend to err on the side of being sympathetic when there are inconsistencies or mistakes but, boy oh boy, this is how you put on entertainment, people. This is how you put on a show.
If you haven’t seen the film version of Hairspray, if you don’t know the story, it’s about a talented if big teenage girl with big hair and even bigger dreams of dancing on the Corny Collins show. Set in Baltimore in 1962, she sings and dances amidst a challenging backdrop of prejudice and adversity. Of course the one enduring lesson to be learned is that You Can’t Stop the Beat!
I understand the limitations of budgets and such when it comes to sets and costumes but apparently the production team had no problems in either court. I loved the swing dresses, the big hair and the makeup - and, though I didn’t like the pink frills under the armpit, I did like the sequins. The set was fabulous and I don’t use the word lightly. The set looks deceptively simple but it was sort of like watching a magic trick, one minute we’re on a street with buildings, next minute we’re inside a studio. Kenix Ho is to be commended for what she has done.
If you have seen the movie version you might be wondering why bother coming to watch the stage version when you’ve seen it already. Well, I’d seen the film and enjoyed it but I did not enjoy the film version as much as I enjoyed the stage musical I just watched. Some things just translate better on stage rather than on screen and one of those things is energy. The theatre thrummed from the wholehearted singing, dancing and the great music from the band led by Enrico Narvaex. That’s something palpable you can’t get from film.
Hairspray opened with a bang. Bianca Ka Ying Cheung as Tracy Turnblad sang her heart out for the first song and kept up that level for the entire show. And it wasn’t just her. I applaud the cast for the dedication and exuberance they maintained for more than two hours. That energy was infectious because the audience could not keep still. I was nearly thrown out of my seat from the excited seat hopping of my neighbors as people cheered and clapped even when they weren’t supposed to.
I love gender bending roles, and love when it’s just convincing enough to make it believable while still funny. Bobby Burns as Tracy’s mom and Joms Ortega as Motormouth Maybelle almost stole the entire show. Both of them are brilliant actors. Both carried the extra “padding” while singing with gusto. I say they almost stole the show but, really, so many other cast members were brilliant, giving standout performances, too many for me to list out alas but memorable enough that I won’t soon forget.
It’s impossible to be perfect but the cast and crew were very close to it except in one area. It wasn’t too great an issue and it’s one I’m sure will be fixed by the next performance, this was the first night after all, but I need to make a note of it because it was irritating as hell. Somebody please sort out the sound issues. I don’t want to miss even a second of good singing and considering the spine tingling performances being given by more than a few of the actors, it’s a great injustice that their mikes were not behaving up to scratch and, in one truly frustrating moment in the end, stopped working it seemed for one of the best singers in the show!
Sound issues aside, I had a cheek aching smile plastered on the entire time. I cheered and stomped even though I prefer to think that I should behave with decorum. Even after the first act I knew that I had just watched something special and I was amazed that the second act kept pace with the first and it was only their opening night. I can only imagine how much better they will be in the proceeding performances! For once I’m going to say that not only are the ticket prices worth every penny, this is one instance where it’s a bargain. For the low price of $380, you are going to be thoroughly entertained. This is a feast for all the senses and I know nobody left the theatre disappointed. Neither will you.
Hairspray plays at the Hong Kong Cultural Center through Sunday. For more information, click here.
Musical Fan
Totally agree with the review! Best show I've seen all year! I hope you sweep the awards show in Sept! I'll be voting for Joms and Bobby!
28 June 2013brad jacobs
Yup. It was awesome. The SCMP were fools to recommend Follies over this. Well done to the cast, especially the kids.
28 June 2013