Review-Liars' League-Sink & Swim


By: Meaghan McGurgan

Liars League swum back into session last night with their May session at The Space. The Space is a modern art gallery in Sheung Wan that was a very classy venue for the league. The art was very good and kinda pricey. We were all informed by emcee Sean Herbert if we broke it, we bought it.

May's theme was Sink & Swim and we had a variety of takes on the subject: from the body burnings in Varanasi, that sinking feeling you get when things are going to go south, waterboarding and swimming through seas of traffic. It was nice to see such a variety of takes on the subject. All the performers did a really nice job bringing out the best in their stories.

My personal favorites for the texts belonged to That Sinking Feeling by Esther Cleverly and Technical Drowning by Maria Kyle. That Sinking Feeling has now put the word Dish Jockey into my vocabulary and was a humorous, love story performed by the beautiful Ann-Marie Taffe, whose Irish accent was perfect for it. Technical Drowning was a fantastic story about a psychotic psychologist played by Sin Gwamanda. I loved her interpretation of it.

Other notable performances of the evening that should be given due credit are Matt Fleming's reading of Wish Fish. His embodiment of the small child at the center of the story and the forgetful goldfish with a London accent was hilarious. Daniel Levia's closing piece, Big Fish, by London author, Liam Hogan was perfectly set for a Hong Kong audience. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels full force rage at people who stand on the left side of the escalator.

The Homestead were the musical performers again. I hope this means that we're not scraping the bottom of the barrel of HK's local indie music scene already... It wasn't that I wasn't happy to see them again, it's just that one of my favorite things about Liars' League is that I get to see different things every time.

You can catch Liars' League every last Monday of the month. For more information, click here.

Rate This Show: 1 2 3 4 5 Audience Rating: 5.0


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