Review-Liars' League-Fairytales & Nightmares


By: Meaghan McGurgan

Liars' League came back with a bang last night. Lovers of new writing braved the rain and traveled to Shek Tong Tsui at Les Boules. It's a hip new French bar with patanqe and a huge amount of space in it. Perfect for Liars League. Everyone got a seat this time, unlike last month when we were packed in like passengers in steerage. This month's theme was Fairytales & Nightmares. For those of you that don't know what Liars' League is, it's a new platform where new writers write short fiction (800-1200 words) and local actors read it aloud. It's set up like a readers theatre and best of all, it's free!

Liars' League is a casual affair. You come for a drink, to hear some new writing and to hear some good music. Don't expect a lot of flash but it's entertaining and affordable. This month's musical guest was bagpiper, Christopher Lee. He even had this cool under the arm pump for his bagpipes. Who knew that piping was getting so modern?

This month's performance had some great moments in it. The best stories for me belonged to Ysabelle Cheung and Helen Dring. Cheung's was about a mermaid murder. It was deliciously creepy and had the whimsical touches that fantasy requires. Miss Dring's Apple Kiss was the closing story of the night. It was again SUPER creepy. Authors seemed to really enjoy embracing the nightmare part of the challenge. Dring's take on the apple as a symbol in fairytales was provocative and interesting to listen to.

My favorite acting moments of the night belonged to Sean Hebert who took on the hilarious tale of The Third Son. His gestures helped solidify Sarah as the worst housekeeper in the world and we all knew what her bar skills were. Saffron Chan's take on the Fairy Godmother was also hilarious.

There were some moments tonight in the presentations where I had trouble understanding the stories. Either the performers got tongue tied or they were speaking too quickly. Harry Oram got given a serious tongue twister about broad beans in his piece about the Russian Tsar.

Overall, another enjoyable evening with the Liars. I will be back with them next month when they Sink or Swim. Hope to see you there!

Fairytales and Nightmares was a one time performance. Liars' League performs on the last Monday of every month. For more information, click here.

Rate This Show: 1 2 3 4 5 Audience Rating: 5.0


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