Review-Swan Lake-Hong Kong Ballet

By: Meaghan McGurgan
Swan Lake is one of those classic ballets that companies have to keep in the rep for audiences. People love the story, the music, the characters. I saw Hong Kong Ballet’s Swan Lake in 2009 and in 2011. As I sat in the theatre tonight I was overwhelmed with a sudden case of déjà vu. Everything in this production was freakishly familiar. The costumes, the set, the choreography was practically identical to what I had remembered seeing in a previous production of Swan Lake by this same company. I want to state that it isn’t a bad show; it’s quite good but for those of you who have seen this company perform this ballet before you won’t see anything new.
One thing about this production that was great was the fact it had a live orchestra. Live music makes the ballet experience so much better. The HK Sinfionetta was wonderful at accompanying the dancers. I really enjoyed listening to them play the score and thought that the oboe player was particularly wonderful. Anyone who knows Swan Lake knows the oboe is a very important instrument in the music.
Now for the dancers, the main features of the performance. Their technique was good, the extension of the swans in Act 2 was beautiful and the Solo Swan dance was well executed. Leads Jin Yao and Zhang Yao were good as the swan and her prince. I know this is a personal preference with ballet but I prefer my dancers to show emotion on their faces when they dance. Zhang Yao as the prince was great at emotionally connecting with Siegfried. Jin Yao as the Swan was a blank slate from beginning to end. She had no change in expression from moments of love to when her character committed suicide.
A great performance of the evening that was full of expression and delight came from the Spanish Princess and her court. Since we had spent most of an hour in a sea of blank faces it was nice to see smiles for a change. Wei and Keshyshev had great joy on their faces as they leaped about on the stage and MAN... can those boys leap! How do I say the next point in the most professional manner? Wei Wei and Keshyshev had beautiful technique, great energy and their butts looked super yummy in their tights. Ladies, prepare to swoon!
Hong Kong Ballet’s Swan Lake is a well produced show. You’ll enjoy the dancers and the music. It may not be the most prolific production ever made but it’s entertaining. And the ticket prices are incredibly reasonable for the amount of production value on stage. Fair warning though - the show is LONG. It’s almost 2.5 hours with two fifteen minute intermissions.
And a weird question... Why did the male Corps de Ballet not get to join in the bow? It seemed odd that everyone else got a bow but no male chorus members were there. We all know Hong Kong audience members love to applaud so I say bring ‘em out! (It’ll give us ladies another chance to see the hotties that are Wei and Keshyshev.) *swoon*
Hong Kong Ballet’s Swan Lake is playing at the Grand Cultural Center through September 1st. For more information, click here.
Alice McKay
Thank you for mentioning the bow! I thought it was really weird too!
24 August 2013Truth
This reviewer is an appalling waste of space. Meaghan, understand this - nobody gives a fuck what you think. And please please stop with the sexy attempt.
24 August 2013Matt Forrest
Hey Meaghan,
26 August 2013
I love your reviews. Keep going and ignore this troll.brad jacobs
If you don't give a fuck then why are you reading?
26 August 2013Jenn
She's not trying to be sexy you fuck twat! She's being funny. Go jump in front of bus.
26 August 2013Truth
4 reasons why the Hecklers is a pile of crap:
26 August 2013
1. The organiser is part of the (awful) groups nominated in various categories. I mean hello.
2. People are required to vote in every category. That means they have to vote for shows they haven't seen. I mean hello.
3. People can vote multiple times. I mean hello.
4. People can vote from overseas, that is without seeing any of the shows. I mean hello.
Any believe me, it ain't funny for the audience members paying to expect sexy burlesque.brad jacobs
You don't have to vote in every category. I only voted in 4. Sounds to me like someone's pissed they didn't get nominated.
26 August 2013brad jacobs
BTW, why don't you put your full name on your comments if you're such a truth teller? Go away Troll!
26 August 2013Sarah Jane
Don't feed the troll Brad.
26 August 2013Molly C.
Let's use this review to talk about the Hong Kong Ballet. After all, their who the review is about. I thought the show was really good. I had never seen an HK Ballet show before and I thought the ticket prices were very fair for the quality of the show. I thought the corps de ballet was especially wonderful.
26 August 2013Mickey
I really enjoyed the ballet but I think the reviewer was on the money when it came to the critique. It was really weird to not have the whole cast present for the bow!
27 August 2013Devil's advocate
To use bad language and insult the reviewer for what he/she writes is just rude and I don't think there is any need for that, however I might have to (partly) agree with our Troll here. Presenting The Hecklers is a great idea, as theatre groups do work hard in this town and give them some credit can be a way to keep alive the artistic scene in HK; however l have noticed that this competition is reduced to a popularity contest rather than to an artistic and impartial evaluation. It is true that one can vote for the categories that one prefers, but it is also true that one can vote as many times as one wants and people abroad can express their judgment based on the trust they have in regards of their friends. Without saying anything mean, I'd like to see the HKELD team pick the nominees, give them their vote and perhaps ask the audience's opinion afterwards, as part of the judgment (instead of being the biggest component of this competition).
27 August 2013
If l were the organizer of this group I would personally keep myself outside these nominations, as it is clear that there is a big conflict of interests, and perhaps the choice to judge only rather than compete would keep things more at ease.Balletgirl
As a member of the HK Ballet who came to read the review on my show- why are you having this conversation on our post? Have it on one of the 50 other heckler ones!
27 August 2013Jade Lui
I was only able to vote once from my ISP for Hecklers.
27 August 2013HKMum
I want to say a big thank you to Megan and hkeld for making this site and the awards. They're taking a lot of flack it seems from the artists but they forget that this audience is for us, the audience. We love this site and it's a great tool for finding out about what's happening in town. Swan Lake was a good show, my kids loved it and now is the buzz of the town because of this review. Thanks to the haters. Sucks to be you! Rather than tear down the efforts of someone else why not concentrate on your own work? This is what we tell our kids in school and I feel the need to mom this comment page.
28 August 2013HKMum
Typo. This site is for us, the audience.*
28 August 2013Jacque Laflour
Hello! I am a troll who was quite confused about a review publish earlier in the year. While my comments, may have been viewed as "ridiculous or stupid" I felt that the attack on the director in this review should have been taken down as there were comments that were deemed "inflammatory." I don't regret my posts but I do feel I would have taken a more respectful approach. Truth, your comments are valid when it comes to the Hecklers but attacking the reviewer does not hold merit. Did you even see the show? You make no comment indicating you did. If that is the case, you have no leg to stand on in this case. I wish I could have seen this show. I don't think this site is a waste but I do think there are many contradictions that have occurred during its first year of publication but that happens in any form of media. I do take back what I said about the site being taken down. Truth, I am sure you would be a great addition to the critic panel as you seem to have strong opinions.
01 September 2013