Save Money and Go to the Theatre... Say What?!
A lot of questions people ask me when I meet them for the first time is about how I budget to see all the theatre I do. I'm an unusual person. I see a show a week on average. I was doing this before I had this awesome job, (and got press passes). Budgeting for this was always a bit of a challenge but completely doable. There is a way to see a lot of art and save money while doing it.
1) Presales
A lot of local companies and festivals have a presale period where they offer the tickets at a discount price. Getting yourself on a bunch of mailing lists can let you know about these and save you cash. Sure, it might only be twenty bucks here or 10% off but if you see a lot of shows then it adds up. When seeing shows at the Hong Kong Arts Fest, I highly recommend pre-booking as the savings and bonuses are usually very much worth it.
Sometimes volunteering for a company to fold programs or work as a House Manager can allow you to see a much hyped show for free. Sure you have to work for it - but it saves you money and you'll make some new friends along the way. Decent House Managers are a must have and very few/far between in this town.
3)Buy Local
Local shows are almost always cheaper than fancy tour shows and normally they are just as good. Plus, you're supporting a member of the local Hong Kong art community which is very important. And think about all those carbon emisions you're avoiding by not supporting the show that flew their set in from Germany!?
4)Research Research Research
A lot of times there will be free showcases in town. You just have to look up and see when the shows are happening. Mailing lists are usually pretty handy for staying on top of this info. You can see some dance, music or theatre and not pay a penny to see it. Just do your research.
5) Season Passes and Memberships
A lot of the big theatre companies in town offer season tickets. By buying your tickets in advance at once, you'll save cash in the end. Sometimes you won't know what the season is when you buy it but this normally means the tickets will be cheaper. If you're a big theatre goer I recommend getting a membership discount for the Fringe or the Rep (whichever you attend more). You'll save a lot of money in ten and twenty dollar chunks. If you attend enough shows the pass will pay for itself. Mine already has.
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