Share Your #HK71 Experience With Us!
You might be wondering why an art blog is tackling something like a political protest... Politics are very important for the arts. Theatre has been used as a tool of political manipulation since the ancient Greeks and art is often used to talk about important political issues. Several member of the HKELD critics panel were in the #HK71 Rally yesterday and we thought we'd give them a place on our site to share their experiences... If they wanted to.
Photo thanks to Bad Canto. @badcanto
Hong Kong Police are estimating that 92,000 people attended the rally yesterday and organizers of the event put it at 510,000. That's a big difference... but you can see from the photos of the protest that it certainly wasn't 92,000 people.
Currently in Admiralty at Chater Garden they are arresting the students who arranged an overnight sit in infront of the Chief Executives Office. The students from the organization Scholarism sat out all night, making a huge statement and sometimes were heard singing Les Mis' Do You Hear the People Sing. For live updates of the event on twitter, we suggest you follow the hashtag #HK71 and #july1hk.
Photo thanks to Jennifer Ngo. @jj_ngo
Were you at the rally yesterday?
Share your experiences with us.
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