The Hecklers 2015: You Pick the Final Category!
We're going to be releasing the nomination ballots for the The Hecklers in a few weeks. (Can you believe it's been a year already?) The Hecklers are an award ceremony to celebrate the local talent in Hong Kong's art scene. Unlike other ceremonies in town that vote on a panel based system, we allow our readers and the people of Hong Kong to vote on who they think is the best of the year.
Due to audience feedback last year we've made some adjustments to the categories in the ballot for this year. (Some categories with lower voter turnout were replaced and new ones were created to adjust for the growth of the scene in the past year.)
The Categories for 2015:
Best Show (Musical)
Best Show (Non-Musical)
Best Foreign Language Production
Best Original Work
Best Alternative Art Event
Best Dance Show
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best Designer
Best Director
Revolution Award
Best Post-Show Hot Spot
Our final category is always fun and we decided we would leave it up the readers of HKELD to decide what it is. Some are serious and some are more light hearted but as always... the people get to speak at the Hecklers on what they want to vote for! Here's the categories you can pick from. Voting has now closed! Final category will be announced on July 6th!