The Hecklers 2017- Time To Nominate!
It's that time of the year again, and it's now time for the community to express their favourite! We've had an amazing time last year at Orange Peel; the artists and the supporters who came made a memorable experience for everyone. This year, due to renovation, we are bringing the ceremony to Social Room in Soho.
We look forward to a chill, yet vibrant and fun night celebrating the Hong Kong scene and those who have made a solid contribution towards the year. This year we have included a new category dedicated to youth theatre, as we think the local young talents deserve their recognition for their work and effort!
Rules of Voting
*This is an award ceremony to celebrate artists who live and work in Hong Kong. Tours that have visited Hong Kong in the past year are not eligible.
*Original works must have had their “world premiere” in Hong Kong during the past year. The artists must be based in Hong Kong to be eligible. Any medium is accepted.
*The defined 2016-2017 season for the purposes of these awards is from July 1st, 2016 to July 30th, 2017. If you have any questions about what shows happened in the past year you can look back at the calendar or can look at the review page.
*Our voting process is open. The 5 nominees in each category with the largest number of votes will appear on the final ballot. The nominee from the final ballot with the highest number of votes will be the winner of the award.
*You can see the winners of last year’s awards at this link.
*You may access open nominations by clicking this link. You may only vote once from your IP address. International votes will be limited to 15% of the voting pool. We've built a web link/voting system that can easily be embedded into our site for nominations.*
*However, should people abuse the new system with bots, we might have to return to the old way of voting. (Which would suck because it was very inefficient for us...)
*There are no language restrictions on the categories for this year.
Important Dates to Remember
Nominations will start on August 8th and go until August 28th. You can access your nomination ballot through this link. You can nominate up to 5 persons/shows in each category.
Final Ballot is announced on September 4th!
Invitations to the Hecklers are sent out on September 1st. There is limited seating. To receive an invitation, please subscribe to the HKELD newsletter.
*The awards ceremony will take place at Social Room on September 26th at 8 pm. Mark your calendars!
*Ballots are blind. We cannot see who is casting each vote.
We have various volunteers who have different roles to allow the process to go smoothly. Only a strict and selected number of people not involved with the theatre community have access to the ballot.
The Categories
Name of the Award
Description of the Award
How to write down your nomination on the open ballot. You can nominate 5 persons/shows in each category. Please put a comma between each different nominee.
Best Show (Non-Musical)
Best play without music or dance. Can be classical or modern. Work in any language may be nominated.
Name of Production, Producing Company
Best Show (Musical)
Best musical or opera. Work in any language may be nominated.
Name of Production, Producing Company
Best Dance Show
Best Dance Show. Any style of dance may be nominated.
Name of Production, Producing Company
Best Actor
Best Actor in a Leading Role; can be in a play, musical, dance show or opera.
Name of Actor, Role, Production Name
Best Actress
Best Actress in a Leading Role; can be in a play, musical, dance show or opera.
Name of Actress, Role, Production Name
Best Ensemble
Best ensemble of actors/technicians for a production.
Name of Production, Producing Company
Best Alternative Art Event
Best art event that doesn't fit in any of the other categories... But still is awesome.
Name of Event
Best Youth Production
Best children's theatre production. Can have adult actors in it but must be targeted to youth.
Name of Production, Producing Company
Best Director
Best Director. Can be in a play or a musical.
Name of Director, Production Name
Best Supporting Actor
Best Actor in a Supporting Role; can be in a play, musical, dance show or opera.
Name of Actor, Role, Production Name
Best Supporting Actress
Best Actress in a Supporting Role; can be in a play, musical, dance show or opera.
Name of Actress, Role, Production Name
Best Original Work
Best New Work of the season. (Art, Music, Dance, Spoken Word or Theatre) Any language or style of work can be nominated.
Name of Work, Name of Artist
Best Festival
Best Local Art Festival
Name of Festival
Best Visual Artist
Best local visual artists. Any medium welcome. Theatre Designers may be nominated in this category.
Name of Artist
Best DJ
Best local DJ
Name of DJ
Best Local Band
Best local band. Solo acts may be nominated.
Name of Artist