Theatre Game of the Week #12

Props can be a very useful tool in the classroom.

Game Name: Anything Fabric

Items Needed: A piece of fabric (x5)

Students Needed: 10+

Time Needed: 20+ minutes

First stand in a circle. Have one piece of fabric in your hands. It is no longer a piece of fabric. It can be anything else but a piece of fabric. Pass it around the circle. Each kid must make it something else and use it as something else. You should be able to do this twice with a group of 20 or once with a group of 40. Then break them into teams and give each team a piece of fabric. Now they must make scenes with the fabric. The fabric must be an integral part of the scene but cannot be a piece of fabric. Also, everyone cannot die at the end. 5 minutes to practice. Watch each other's scenes and then give constructive critiques of each other.

In the end: Students have worked together in teams. They have used props and their imaginations. They also have worked on giving each other constructive criticism.


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