Theatre Game of the Week #55
The Arm Game is a game based on a popular improv game. It takes 4 actors with 2 actors providing the arms for the characters and 2 actors providing the voice. It's best to have the scenarios already written down and stuck in a hat. For example: 2 people arguing over where to go for dinner. This is a great game to play when working on comedy with your students.
Game Name: The Arm Game
Materials Needed: Open Space
Students Needed: 4+
Time Needed: 10+
Step 1) Each character consists of one player, who does the voice, holding his hands behind his back. Another player stands behind player 1, and provides the `hands`. Drawing the groups into random pairs makes for the best scene work. The students pick a scenario.
Step 2) The students act out the scene.
Step 3) Have an after performance talk back. What worked? What did not work?
Here's a video of a version of the Arm Game from Whose Line Is It Anyway?
In the end) Students have spoken loudly. They have worked on improv and physical comedy.
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