Theatre Jobs for Dummies
Often times I'll hear non-theatre friends say, "Wow, everything on the set was so pretty! The designer did such a nice job." Little do they know that there's a huge crew that comes together to put together a production. Consider this a guide to basic theatre jobs. In small companies, the jobs are often doubled. Give the proper artist proper due for what you enjoy!
Producer- Puts up the money for the production, approves all decisions, hires designers and the director. They also book the venue and the rehearsal rooms.
Director- Casts the show, does the blocking, approves the designs and is in control of the overall vision of the production.
Choreographer- Creates the dancing for musicals.
Musical Director- In charge of the live music and the quality of the singing in a musical.
Stage Manager- In charge of calling the show's cues, coordinating between the designers, and overall boss once the show is in motion. Sometimes called a DSM.
Assistant Stage Manager- In charge of the deck, coordinating the scene changes, pre-sets of the props/costumes and making sure everyone is in place for entrance/exits. In small companies this job is combined with the deck chief.
Deck Chief- In charge of the crew. Also in charge of loading the set in and out.
Lighting Designer- Designs the lights and how they look.
Master Electrician- Sets the lights and focuses them. Helps program the board with the designer to acheive the designer's vision.
Costume Designer- Designs the costumes on the actors and does the shopping for any wardrobe pieces that need to be bought.
Dresser- Helps the actors get dressed. Does the laundry.
Props Master- Purchases all the props and set dressings for the production. This includes all weapons, soft goods and food items purchased.
Wigs/Makeup Designer- Typically a seperate person in charge of all the hair and makeup for the show. They are also in charge of maintaining all the wigs.
Crew- In charge of moving the furniture during the blackouts. Very important.
House Manager- In charge of greeting guests and chooses when to close the house with the SM. Manages the ushers and the overall audience experience.
Publicity Manager- Designs the advertisements and the program. In charge of helping get butts in the seats.
Box Office Manager- Sells tickets and collects the money.
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