Want to Join the Critic's Panel?


Due to an increase demand for reviews over the next 6 weeks HKELD will be adding one more slot to their critic's panel in fall of 2014. We are looking for an art loving, opinionated person to fill the slot. Most members of the critic's panel are artists, but this is not a requirement of the position. Writers are not traditionally compensated for their work but get valuable writing experience, free tickets to shows, and a reference for their resume.



To apply for this position please send:

1) A cover letter describing you and what kind of art you enjoy.

2) A 500 word writing sample. A review of some kind is best. (Food, Theatre, TV Show, Movie, etc.)



People who are new to Hong Kong or students are more than encouraged to apply. We are always looking for bi-lingual critics to put on the panel. We are looking to diversify our current panel. Maybe we're missing someone just like you!


Send all materials to Meaghan McGurgan at: editor@hkeld.com


Please send your materials by November 20th, 2014 for consideration. 

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critics, blog, hkeld