We Want to Review Your Show!
We would love to review every show in Hong Kong. We provide this service at no charge, other than the provision of a complimentary ticket for a member of our Critics Panel. We only review shows where we are invited and the constructive criticism is welcomed by the performers.
Our review policy:
- We operate on a first come, first serve basis (our small team of dedicated reviewers can only be at one show at a time) so send requests as early as possible, preferably at least two weeks in advance, to Meaghan McGurgan at editor@hkeld.com
- Send us a press release or listing (following the format described at http://www.hkeld.com/articles/view/use)
- We like to attend the opening night or the last dress rehearsal so please make arrangements for us to attend this performance.
- Of course, we LOVE press passes and are happy to accept them but we cannot accept any other gifts such as drinks after the show.
- Our reviewers are individuals and will give their opinions on the show. We ask them to be constructive but honest; if they don’t like your show, they have to say so. (The opinions of the critics published do not necessarily reflect the opinions of HKELD.com)
- We will not take our own photos of your show. If you would like photos in the review rather than your poster, please send them to us (following the format described at ‘Listing Your Show’).
- We aim to publish each review within 24 hours of seeing the show to maximize its effect on your ticket sales.
Thank you for helping HKELD promote the local art scene!
We are open to reviewing any theatre, dance or performance art based work
We sadly do not have the money or man power to review live music or visual art at this time. To help sponsor the site and make this possible, contact us!
Want to know more about the rating system? Click here!