What is UMAP?


UMAP stands for Umbrella Movement Art Preservation.

UMAP began at HKELD with a couple of blog posts wondering what would happen to the Lennon Wall and the Umbrella Man when Occupy ends. It became something much bigger and better thanks to twitter.



The purpose of Umbrella Movement Art Preservation is to preserve and archive the art that is happening at Occupy Hong Kong for world-wide audiences and for future generations of Hong Kongers.

As supporters of the Occupy movement and art lovers we want to see the artwork that has been created over the past few weeks protected. It would be heartbreaking to see any of it end up in the trash because of lack of storage space.

So we're here to provide the following services:

1) A platform for people to share their photographs of the artwork and find out who's art it is.

2) A source for storage space and transport for larger pieces from the protest area when Occupy HK ends.

3) A place for people to share the pieces of art that they've made to be archived.

We do this at no cost and will not be profiting from any of the art that are stored. No works will be sold.


You can reach UMAP via three chanels:

Our facebook page.

Our website.

Twitter: @umaphk

Email us at umbrellaartpreservation@gmail.com


We're just getting started but we hope to be able to digitally archive and physically preserve as much art as we can. So far, we've had over a dozen galleries offer storage space, people offer trucks, even an email from an Umbrella Museum in Italy. We'd love your help spreading the word and your input on the digital archives.





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