What Was Your Fave?


Last night the Hong Kong Arts Festival closed. What was your favorite thing that came in? What troupe/artist do you hope will come back again? On a counter point, did you have a show you hated? Is there anything about the festival format that you would like changed? We'll be sharing all this info with the HKAF at a future meeting, so let your voices be heard!

Have a happy weekend!

The HKELD Team


Related articles:

hong kong arts fest, review


  • hkteacher
    24 March 2013

    I loved 1927 and Einstein. I did not like Romeo and Juliet from the ballet or Mission Drift. The one thing the arts festival can do- is improve the affordability of the festival. It's too expensive!
  • david
    24 March 2013

    I hope that we get a Shakespeare next year. I agree with the commenter above on price.
  • brad
    24 March 2013

    Some of the shows they say are appropriate for 8 year olds and they are not. 1927 for example, that show shouldn't have been sold on the website as kid friendly. And can we do something about the leg room situation in HK Theaters? 5 hours in Einstein on the Beach and my knees were digging into the seat infront of me.
  • chen
    24 March 2013

    Can they stop commissioning stuff from Wong Wing Sze? Same old cantonese style drama tripe every single damn year.

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