What We've Done...so far


People use the end of the year to reflect on past accomplishments.

We're very proud to have supported the uber talented artists in the past 4 months we've been up & running. Here's what we've done so far. When people say there is "nothing happening" in Hong Kong's art scene we have to strongly disagree! We're only covering one facet of the art world here and we're covering a lot of events. Thanks for your support so far. We hope you and your families are having a very happy and art filled Holiday Season!

If you would like to partner with us to help us spread our love further please contact us!

We also have advertising options available for companies big and small that want to get the word out on their brand. Don't hesitate to email us to see if we can help you diversify your current audience!

Also, please make sure to follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page! This is the best way to keep up to date with all the information we put out daily! (PS- Our twitter number makes us depressed, help us out by following us!)

Shows Reviewed: 54
Shows on our Calendar: 132
Number of Community Links: 96
Hits: 30,516
Unique Visitors: 9,078
Facebook "likes": 100
Followers on Twitter: 29

Most popular word search on Google: "hkeld"
Most popular section: The Review Section
Most popular individual article: "The Ends of the Earth" by Wagging Tails Ensemble


  • Brad
    27 December 2012

    Great job so far! I think this site is overall a very good idea that needed to happen. I saw this terrible show a few years ago and never went back to the theatre because of it. Now I have a resource that tells me which shows are worth spending my money on.
  • HKMom
    27 December 2012

    Completely agree with the above comment. This is the site I check before I buy tickets. SCMP and Timeout don't really do critiques.
  • Peter
    27 December 2012

    Great job Meaghan!
  • Sophia
    28 December 2012

    I think it's really interesting that Ends of the Earth was the most popular article. The review by Harry wasn't that shocking to read. People came to the site to read all the comments. Everyone then heard about the show...because of this site. Interesting indeed.
  • Neil
    02 January 2013

    Great job all of you - much needed in HK and allows companies to get some more objective feedback.

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