Wild Thyme is a Hidden Gem


By: Meaghan McGurgan


As a sufferer of food allergies, eating in Hong Kong can be a struggle at times. I've been to many a restaurant where the chef will roll his eyes, tell me the food is nut free and then I'll spend the next two days violently ill. It can be even worse for some of my other friends who suffer from even more common food fiends like gluten, where a food can be declared "gluten-free" but still contain traces.


I was invited on Thursday night to an event at Wild Thyme and I had such a wonderful time with chef Tarik Alali that I could not wait to write about it. The staff were incredible and really put an effort into making sure that my food was safe and delicious. (I actually think I made out better than the other people at the event because I got MORE food!)


Wild Thyme is Middle Eastern food with a vegetarian base, which is one of my favorite kinds to enjoy. It can come across as basic to others but it was a truly special experience for me. You never miss the meat and I'm a carnivorous beast at most meals. There's great use of spice and variety of texture in Chef Alali's cooking to make the meal a carnival on the palette. 



If you're a food allergy sufferer or vegetarian, you must RUN to Wild Thyme. I don't say this because I was invited to an event but because I honestly think this was one of the best meals I've had in Hong Kong in a very long time. Warning Chef: I will be back, I will be bringing friends, we will have many different food restrictions, (sorry in advance), and we will be very hungry.


For more information on Wild Thyme, visit their website or Facebook page.
