
Lizzi Wood

1. Name

Lizzi Wood

2.  Town of Origin

Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, England

3. Has lived in Hong Kong:

Two years with a nine month break in the middle!

4. Favorite Style of Theatre/Dance: 
I love both so I think I'll have to plump with Dance Theatre! I like work that makes me feel something, work that inspires me, work where I can follow and understand a narrative which is even more important if I'm performing; I create and perform at my best when I can engage with the storyline or relate to an emotion or feeling. 

5. Studied At:
Dartington College of Arts, Devon. Dartington was a contemporary arts college, it unfortunately doesn't exist anymore, (it merged with Falmouth in 2010) which is very sad because the area of Dartington was prolific in the Post Modern Dance Movement which had a great influence upon the Contemporary dance world we know now *cry cry*.

6. Medium

My degree is in Choreography with Performance Art which also covered Creative Writing and Film.  I also love to entertain and have worked various roles from Scare Acting to working as an Elf in Lapland to hotel entertainment - I like things that are fun, creative and imaginative, I hate performers/performances that take themselves too seriously! Finally...Musical Theatre, I know it's a boring cliche but I love (both watching and performing) singing, dancing and acting! 


7.  Previous work you may have seen:

Gosh! All sorts! Ohhh *penny drops* previous work you may have seen me IN...? Hmmm! In Hong Kong - Mother Matters and The Vagina Monologues. I like to travel so I have tended, so far, to work and travel at the same so it's possible that you might have seen me perform or entertain somewhere in the world!! Keep your eyes peeled for Dating Matters (Apple Pie Productions) and a cheeky panto in December!

8.  Favorite Theatre/Dance Artist:

Like the favourite style one, it's a really hard question. My taste is so eclectic that I don't necessarily like all or many of some artists works, I might love one or two in particular, on the other hand I might love them all. DV8 and Matthew Bourne are cliche's but I do really like their work. I like Motionhouse and Earthfall but haven't seen extensive works of theirs.


When I was at uni I loved two dance companies both of which were headed by my lecturers 'Seven Sisters' and 'Stacked Wonky', they did a lot of work in social space which I find really exciting - I don't even know if they're still making work?! I'm going to say Lone Twin. Lone Twin is a duo of art makers, I think their work and ideas are really beautiful and very inspiring.

9.  Pet Peeve in Theatre:

People talking. We all have a little whisper to our friend next to us sometimes but those that are incapable of a quick whisper should be banned. Also people walking about during the show. We all know that feeling of desperately needing the toilet but not wanting to A - miss some of the show or B - embarrass yourself standing up infront of a whole audience of people. However those people that stand up and meander along the row as though they've got all the time in the world! There should be a test by the ushers beforehand.


People should be given a line that they have to whisper quickly to the usher and if they're too loud/long they're not allowed in until they can pass the test. It should also be down to the usher to ask if they need the toilet before taking their seats and if they say no the usher should ask 'are you going to have a little try anyway?' It always works with mums. 

10. Quote of Choice:

'Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to dance in the rain'- Vivian Greene