
Doug Berman

1. Name: 

Doug Berman

2.  Town of Origin: 

Chicago (the American one).

3. Has lived in Hong Kong: 

7 plus years (2 of those in mainland)

4. Favorite Style of Theatre/Dance:

Theater of Absurd, Elizabethan

5. Studied At: 

University of Wisconsin (PhD); Indiana University (JD) then taught English Literature at National Taiwan Normal University (Assistant Professor), University of Wisconsin (Assistant Dean) and HKU/HKBU (lecturer).

6. Medium:


8.  Favorite Theatre/Dance Artist:  

Bertolt Brecht, Jonathan Miller 

8.  Pet Peeve in Theatre: 

Clumsy direction

9. Quote of Choice:

"It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth" - George Burns