
By Wong Wing-sze

Warning: Adult Language
Smoking Scenes
Late comers will not be admitted

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Drama

Hong Kong Arts Fest

Hong Kong City Hall

Date and Time:
March 14-24, 3pm, 8pm

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:
Sheung Wan

Ticketing By: Urbtix

Age Limitation: 12

Never underestimate the might of a pen. Especially one held by a critic.
A harsh review puts the reputation of theatre titan at stake. The author is his erstwhile partner. But who is the giant? Who is the dwarf?
Can they cut through the webs of human and legal relationships? Will director Lee Chun-chow embellish Wong’s distinctive brand of black humour with an additional touch of ambivalence? A highlight of the Festival and of Hong Kong’s thriving theatre scene. In Cantonese with English surtitles.