Hungarian Connection: James Cuddeford leads on Bartok, Ligeti, Kurtag and Haydn
Category: Music
Genre: Music
Hong Kong Sinfonietta
Fringe Club
Date and Time:
September 27, 7pm
Ticket Price:
HK Island
Nearest MTR Station:
Ticketing By: HK Ticketing
Age Limitation: 6
In the words of the Sinfonietta's first violin James Cuddeford: '“Hungary provides the focus for this concert, with string music from some of its greatest composers. Included are some of Kurtág’s highly expressive and intensely personal miniatures – a small tribute to my teacher in his 90th birthday year.”
Programme includes Bartok (selections from 44 Duos for Two Violins), Ligeti (Balland and Dance for Two Violins, Hommage a Hilding Rosenberg for Violin & Cello), Kurtag (Selections from Signs, Games and Messages for String Trio) and Hayden (String Quartet Op 33 No 3 in C 'Bird').
Ticekt price inlcudes one free drink