Songs & Sketches: James Cuddeford with William Lane

Category: Music

Genre: Music

Hong Kong Sinfonietta

Fringe Club

Date and Time:
January 17, 7pm

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:

Ticketing By: HK Ticketing

Age Limitation: 6

In the words of the Sinfonietta's first violin James Cuddeford: “Included in this programme are works by three composers I have worked closely with over the years. Singing is incorporated into instrumental performance here in new ways, whether literally humming and vocalising whilst playing in the virtuosic Holliger, or dissolving away into silence in Dean’s final ‘Sketch’, which is entitled ‘Song’.”

Programme includes Hindson (Song of Life for Solo Violin), Holliger (Three Sketches for Violin & Viola), Dean (Sketches for Siegbert for Solo Viola) and more...

Ticekt price includes one free drink