Hong Kong Odyssey

Category: Music

Genre: Music

Hong Kong Arts Festival

Hong Kong City Hall

Date and Time:
February 25-27, 8pm

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:

Ticketing By: Urbtix

Age Limitation: ---

A special HKAF commissioned production, Hong Kong Odyssey celebrates poetry, music and song inspired by Hong Kong history and culture, including works by Chan Hing-Yan (Mist over the Carp Gate; Eileen Chang's Tram; The Fiery Years; The Ineffable Future); Phoebus Lee (The Drifting City in Billows; Under the Stars the Slumbering Dragon; Through the Ladder Street); Daniel Lo (Hong Kong in her Nightly Gown; Cafe Can Do); and Charles Kwong (Fin De Siecle Songs).