1/5000 Roses

Warning: In Cantonese with little English

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Non-verbal Theatre

Fringe Mime and Movement Laboratory

Fringe Club

Date and Time:
April 21 & 22 at 8pm

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:

Ticketing By: Art Mate

Age Limitation: 12

“1/5000 Roses” is the first installment in a series of interpretations of “Le Petit Prince” exploring the theme of “Love”.

Like The Little Prince, each one of us has in our mind a unique person/rose whom we love.
But then, are you the little prince in the heart of this unique person?  And amid the 5,000 roses in the rose garden, who then is their little prince?

We all have different ways of praying to know, as soon as possible, who our one true beloved is.
But how close to or far away from our expectations is the answer?