Because I Am A Girl

By Eman Lam

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Stand up Comedy


Comix Homebase, 3/F Room 7, 7 Mallory Street, Wan Chai.

Date and Time:
5 August at 7.30pm

Ticket Price:
160 HKD

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:
Wan Chai

Ticketing By: Eventbrite

Age Limitation: ---

Eman 伊汶 first One Woman Show. BYOB (Bring your own boyfriends/bottles /food/drinks) 可自備餐飲 ;)

7:30 pm English stand up, and 
8:30 pm 香港是但噏 (Cantonese stand up)

Donating 10% profit to "because I am a Girl" foundation for every show. Please come and support ;) 
New acts; new sets ;D