Dial "M" For Murder

By Frederick Knott

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Theater

Aurora Theatre

McAulay Studio

Date and Time:
8 February at 8pm; 9 February at 8pm; 10 February at 3pm; 10 February at 8pm; 11 February at 2pm; 11 February at 7pm;

Ticket Price:
HKD 300/270/250/230. Presales are taken at the price of HKD 220 until January 8. ​

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:
Wan Chai

Ticketing By: Urbtix

Age Limitation: 10

Tony Wendice has married his wife, Margot, for her money and now plans to murder her for the same reason. He arranges the perfect murder. He blackmails a scoundrel he used to know into strangling her for a fee of £1000 and arranges a brilliant alibi for himself. Unfortunately….that murderer gets murdered and the victim survives. But this doesn’t baffle the husband, as he sees his hireling death as an opportunity to have his wife convicted of the murder of the man who tried to murder her.