A Night on Broadway

Category: Music

Genre: Musical

Dove Tales Theatre Company and TheatreLab HK

Y-Theatre, Youth Square

Date and Time:
January 31st and February 1st, 8:00PM

Ticket Price:
HKD 300- HKD150

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:
Chai Wan

Ticketing By: Urbtix

Age Limitation: ---

Come spend a night with two of Broadway’s finest actors, Chelsea Williams (Mamma Mia, In Transit) and George Psomas (Fiddler on the Roof, South Pacific), as they perform classic and modern Broadway hits accompanied by the former music director of Hong Kong Disneyland, Rony Fortich. Two of Hong Kong's most talented stars, Corinna Chamberlain (TVB and The Voice of Stars) and Jordan Cheng (Hong Kong Repertory Theatre and Sinfonietta) will be making a guest appearance during the concert, joining the Broadway actors in some fantastic songs!

Featuring performances of Broadway classics old and new including Oklahoma, Sound of Music, and West Side story to Hamilton, Mamma Mia, and Wicked. Come join us for a night to remember!

The performers have been dazzling audiences across America. Chelsea Williams’ most recent credits include Sophie, Mamma Mia (Broadway), Kathy, In Transit (Broadway), Betty, White Christmas (US National Tour).
George Psomas’ most recent credits include Perchik, Fiddler on the Roof (Broadway), Ensemble, South Pacific (Original Broadway Revival Cast), and a solo performance in Carnegie Hall.

齊與百老匯名人Chelsea Williams (《媽媽咪呀!》, 《In Transit》) 及 George Psomas (《屋上的提琴手》, 《南太平洋》) 共渡載歌載舞之夜!兩位演員將會配上香港迪士尼樂園前音樂總監 Rony Fortich共同演繹百老匯經典名劇。同場更有本地藝人陳明恩(無綫星夢傳奇) 及 鄭君熾(香港話劇團,香港小交響樂團)以歌聲伴隨演出!

日期及時間 : 1月31日 及 2月1日晚上8時

地點: 青年廣場 Y綜藝館

票價: 成人$300, 學生/長者 $150



當晚將會演出新舊百老匯經典音樂劇,包括:《奧克拉荷馬!》, 《仙樂飄飄處處聞》, 《夢斷城西》, 《咸美頓》, 《媽媽咪呀!》, 《綠野仙蹤女巫前傳》 。 機會難得,萬勿錯過!


Chelsea Williams最近演出包括在《媽媽咪呀!》(美國百老匯)中飾演 Sophie, 在《In Transit》(美國百老匯)中飾演Kathy, 和在《白色聖誕》(美國巡迴演出) 中飾演Betty;

George Psomas 最近演出 包括在《屋上的提琴手》中飾演 Perchik, 在《南太平洋》合唱, 和紐約卡內基音樂廳表演獨