Bosch Dreams
Category: Theatre/Dance
Genre: Circus
Les 7 Doigts & Theatre Republique
Hong Kong Cultural Centre - Grand Theatre
Date and Time:
March 9 & 10, 7.30pm; March 11, 2.30pm
Ticket Price:
Nearest MTR Station:
Tsim Sha Tsui
Ticketing By: Urbtix
Age Limitation: ---
Extraordinary and minutely detailed, the paintings of Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) give us vivid portraits of contemporary life and beliefs in medieval Europe.
Many centuries later Bosch’s unique creativity and imagination were huge influences on the work of Salvador Dalí and the entire Surrealist movement. An exhibition of his work in 2016 in the Netherlands attracted almost half a million visitors in three months and was described by The Guardian as “one of the most important exhibitions of our century”.
To commemorate the 500th anniversary of his death, the Netherlands’ Bosch 500 Foundation asked Canada’s trail-blazing Les 7 Doigts de la Main (The 7 Fingers) circus company to devise a show based on this remarkable painter’s vision. The fabulous result is Bosch Dreams, a sensational new circus production inspired by images from his best-known works, including The Seven Deadly Sins and The Garden of Earthly Delights among many others.
Bosch Dreams explores the artist’s life and work and points to the many modern artists inspired by this genius, not just surrealists, but generations of thinkers, and musicians such as Jim Morrison of The Doors.
Pictures come to life in front of your eyes – images of Heaven, Earth and Hell. Incredible creatures, fearsome monsters, wondrously masked and flying acrobats inhabit a sublimely saturated universe, a three dimensional canvas of video projections created by celebrated French artist Ange Potier.